Let's face it, winter in Chicago isn't much fun and doesn't provide much opportunity for outdoor activities. It is, however, a great time to try new restaurants or go out to a favorite place for delicious comfort food. Given it's February, I thought it would be a good time to suggest a few of my ...
What is La Chandeleur?
Do you know about this fun holiday the French celebrate by eating crepes? It takes place 40 days after Christmas on February 2, and it commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the temple.
Like the Feast of the Epiphany, la Chandeleur began as a pagan celebration that came to be associated with ...
Eugénie Grandet
I have a penchant for high-quality period films, especially those in French. So, when Eugénie Grandet was strongly recommended by a friend, it became a must see for me.
The movie was written and directed by novelist Marc Dugain after Honoré de Balzac’s literary masterpiece of the same title. It ...
The Making of the French Garden
Are you dreaming of a trip to the Loire Valley?
Why not take a virtual tour of the beautiful gardens of the Loire Valley with the Alliance Française de Chicago ?
Starting January 13, the Alliance Française de Chicago will begin its 8-week lecture series on the gardens of the Loire Valley, ...
‘Tis the Season for Galette des Rois
Do you know about this delicious cake? It's called a Galette des Rois or King Cake, and it has been a French tradition since the 13th century - when the Church began to associate it with the Feast of the Epiphany.
The cake originally dates back to the first century before Christ, during the ...
Five of My Favorite Brasseries and Bistrots Owned by Famous French Chefs
I became aware of several traditional French brasseries and bistrots owned and operated by some of the most celebrated chefs in France after a longtime Parisian friend clued me in several years ago. I’ve written about a few of these classic spots in the past and thought it would be helpful to do a ...