When it comes to furnishing my home, investing in Mauviel copper cookware was one of the best decisions I ever made.
At the time, everyone thought I was crazy for purchasing high-maintenance, non-nonstick cookware that required hand washing and regular polishing. My set is now more than 20-years ...
L'Art de Vivre
The Art of High-Low Dressing
I spent my college days working in the American and European Designer Salon at Marshall Field's - the premier Chicago department store of its day. As you can imagine, my time on the sales floor prompted an interest in fashion and quality apparel. The experience was a blessing and a curse - it gave ...
Brand Spotlight: DEGRENNE
I am so excited to write about this brand. Not only does the company have a fascinating history, but it also exemplifies elegant design and quality craftsmanship.
Degrenne was founded in 1948 by its namesake Guy Degrenne. Guy was a visionary entrepreneur and passionate goldsmith who used ...
What is La Chandeleur?
Do you know about this fun holiday the French celebrate by eating crepes? It takes place 40 days after Christmas on February 2, and it commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the temple.
Like the Feast of the Epiphany, la Chandeleur began as a pagan celebration that came to be associated with ...
‘Tis the Season for Galette des Rois
Do you know about this delicious cake? It's called a Galette des Rois or King Cake, and it has been a French tradition since the 13th century - when the Church began to associate it with the Feast of the Epiphany.
The cake originally dates back to the first century before Christ, during the ...
Five French Style Tips for the Holidays
When it comes to dressing like a French girl for the holidays, think chic, polished, and elegant.
Today, I partnered with fellow Francophile, Noelani from La Vie on Grand to share some tips on how to incorporate French style into your holiday wardrobe. For inspiration, we turned to French ...