November third marks the birthday of Saint Hubert, patron saint of the hunt.
If you happen to be France on this day, be sure to experience annual festivities taking place in and on the steps of basilicas, cathedrals, and churches throughout the country. Celebrations include a special mass ...
Culture and Tradition
Nuit Blanche
I love Paris in the fall. Everyone seems to be in such a great mood, the weather is usually good, and there are so many activities and special events taking place throughout the city. One of my favorites is Nuit Blanche. It's an evening devoted to the celebration of contemporary art, with ...
Cour de Rohan
I am never at a loss for things to do in Paris, whether visiting a museum or strolling the streets of my favorite neighborhood, I can always find enjoyable ways to pass the day. On this day, I came upon the Cour de Rohan, a tucked-away passage in the sixth arrondissement. I had not been ...
Camille Claudel
Very often friends ask me for suggestions on what to see and do in Paris. In fact, the frequency of those requests was the impetus for this blog. Whenever possible, I try to pair my suggestions with French films that provide context. Given my two recent posts about the Rodin Museum, I cannot help ...
The restoration of the Rodin Museum nears completion
With the help of Farrow & Ball, the renovation of the Hotel Biron, home to the Rodin Museum in Paris, is nearly complete.
Farrow & Ball has long supported the renovation of historic sites and museums around the world with remarkably beautiful results that complement both the ...
Paris Plage
Every summer, a full-fledged beach with sand, games, cafés, and even boating takes over the banks of the Seine and the Bassin de la Villette in North Paris. Paris Plage has enjoyed enormous success since its launch in 2003 and attracted millions of visitors. Not to be missed by anyone yearning for ...