My big leather handbag is simply too heavy to carry all over the city. So, today I purchased a Longchamp nylon and leather tote bag. It seems that almost all French women have these. They're light weight, they fold-up for travel, they have a zipper closure and, at 62 euro, they're not too ...
Everyday France
Chez Alexandra
Last week, my friend Alexandra invited me to join her for coffee and a tour of her neighborhood. I was delighted. I hadn’t seen Alexandra in years and I hadn’t really spent much time in Montmarte, where she lives.Alexandra and I were students together. She is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ...
The Steeplechase
Late Sunday afternoon, I headed out to Hippodrome d'Auteuil to see Steeplechase racing. I had never been to a Steeplechase, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I had romantic notions of horses leaping over obstacles and successfully racing to a dramatic finish.
Reality was much different. ...
Dancing the Night Away
Saturday night we had dinner at The Bistrot de Paris - the meal was delicious and the wait staff was very attentive. After dinner, we went to Le Caveau de la Huchette to listen to jazz. Little did we know, we would spend most of our time on the dance floor.
A couple of the photos are a little out ...
A Girls’ Weekend
One of the nicest things about holiday weekends is the opportunity to spend time with friends. This weekend, my long-time girlfriend Allyson came to visit.
Allyson and I have known each other since college. Both of us majored in English, we had similar interests and we took a few courses ...