My big leather handbag is simply too heavy to carry all over the city. So, today I purchased a Longchamp nylon and leather tote bag. It seems that almost all French women have these. They’re light weight, they fold-up for travel, they have a zipper closure and, at 62 euro, they’re not too expensive.
For years, I’ve carried a Longchamp change purse and I absolutely love it. If this bag turns out to be as handy as that little purse, I’ll be thrilled.
Norma says
We are currently traveling in France and just spent 5 days in Paris.
There are always Longchamp bags available in the shops
but as far as observing French Women sporting Longchamp
– that appears to be a waning trend Is that your observation
for 2024?
By they way, I always use mine for shopping back home and
hard to beat their value while traveling.